Sunday, June 29, 2008

In the mind of madness

I don't think I'm inside my own mind today...

Lots of random thoughts so let's try to keep this cohesive, start out on a somber note.

Comic Book Artist Michael Turner passed away this past week from his battle with the bone-based cancer chondrosarcoma. He wasn't my favorite artist but his mark was obvious on the comic industry. He drew a six issue story-arc of Superman/Batman, "Supergirl from Krypton" which was easily my favorite arc of the book. He drew a slew of covers for both DC and Marvel before his passing. He was also announced to pencil the upcoming "Ultimate Wolverine" comic which would've been an off the chart hit, easily. Rest in peace Michael.

There's a lot of push on the Anti-Smoking. Alberta's passing a law that will make it illegal to have large cigarette displays, they will need to be removed or covered up. I'm not exactly sure if this is the same as B.C. where all of it has to be covered up but its still a push in the direction that anyone who's smokin' while they got 'em will be out of luck soon. I heard a rumor they're thinking about making single cigarillo's illegal because they don't have anti-smoking propaganda on them. That's alright with me, I'll just end up finally quitting if that happens and thats what they want right?

I don't understand lottery players. They spend so much money on the hope that they'll win the big one and then they're so down on their luck because the odds aren't on their side. I'm sorry this is a bigger rant for a more focused day but shut the fuck up. Maybe spend your money on something more self-fufilling than an effortless search for wealth.

My friend was recently in a traffic accident. Turning off of the main highway a motorcyclist travelling well over the speed limit struck him. Weaving in and out of traffic in his persuit for stardom (maybe he had a hot date, something clearly he was in a rush for that is very insignificant now) struck his truck and was carried away from the scene in an ambulance. His truck will need repair which is a harsh afteraffect of an accident of carelessness. I hope that the situation resolves itself, you will definately hear from me if it doesn't.

I dont see how the priorities of this nation can be so out of the loop, I read a very interesting article in the Edmonton Sun about the status of water consumption in our country. We pay the least ammount of money for water out of all the established nations of the world. And we are only second to the United States in water consumption. I know I'm not a world changer but I do think we should be more mindful of our water consumption. Over half of our water consumption goes to laundry and watering the lawns with '5-minute showers' placing third, (So what about everyone who takes showers that are longer than five minutes. Of which I know I'm certainly guilty)

The hooplah of Bill C-51 hit my doorstep and paranoia crept up my spine like a dirty relative and I'm kind of surprised that something like this has completely missed the media. If it's really such a big deal how come people aren't writing letters to newspapers? I haven't seen anything but I don't read every paper either, I'm only as much of an all-seeing eye as I feel like and I'm pretty damn lazy at times. The website that was provided to me is set up in such a way that it draws you toward the conclusion of absolute terror when that isn't the case at all. Taking the time to read the bill is always the best course of action and something I did not initially do. It's long, it's legal, it's boring. Anyone who took Law class in high school can empathise with this boredom but its not as big a shit storm as you'd think. The bill is aimed at punishing corporations who break the laws, why else would such hefty fines of around five million dollars be levvied out.

I just want to post this blurb they've posted on the website

Bill C-51 is not about Canadian Safety

Bill C-51 is about Big Pharma

Pharma-what? Big Pharmaceutical company's? My point about the website is that it's designed to propagate fear of the bill from the get-go. You are bombared by 'facts' so that anyone who just causally reads the website without taking the time to read the bill would just simply assume that they themselves are havign the latex glove of the man thrust into their anus once again. I'm just kind of unsure what to think of the whole thing but if this bill was as bad as they would like us to think than I think more than a good chunk of tens of thousands people would be worried about it... maybe more in the millions? We all know I'm not the biggest fan of Health Canada at the moment but they wouldn't be smashing their boner through shit like this would they?

Maybe they would... Anyway, Here's Bill C-51. Have a read for yourself and come to your own conclusion.

Let's end this on a bit of a giddy note. I read on today that there will be a Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2. Given the scope of the game as early rumor dictates that it will be focused around Marvel's recent "Civil War" storyline. Offering gamers a chance to pick a side and play it out. Civil War was the highest selling marvel comic in quite some time and the idea to base a game around it is a very good one. I hope they take the time to do it right. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance didn't really have too much re-play value, but they are incredibly fun games. Another thought, maybe a name change. Marvel: Civil War? Would that not suffice for a video game?



Xbox360/PS3/Wii 2010(or later)

Take a couple years to make the game and make it right! Ultimate Alliance was a step down from X-Men Legends 2 and thats not how it should be. It should have a huge roster of playable heroes. At least 15 a side I'd say to give the game solid replay value because playing the war on the side of pro-registration or anti-registration one time, then the reverse is obviously worth two plays through the game as it should be completely different experiences.

Who knows how it will work out but I've got high hopes. Also revealed was that in the upcoming Spider-Man: Web of Shadows game that you could help save the city or take it over depending on if you're using the classic Spidey Red/Blues or the Black simbyote costume. They also revealed that Wolverine would be a character you'll have the opportunity to team up with (they announced earlier that Luke Cage would be) the cover of the game can be viewed here. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is due out this fall.

Until next time, Keep on truckin!


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