Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shooting from the hip

I don't think I'm inside my own mind today... I got like 5 hours of sleep and I'm powered on Tim Horton's, LET'S GO!

The American political scene (and the Canadian one, for that matter. Sorry for leading off with politics) is a complete joke. I think that the political template needs to be thrown into a wood chipper Fargo style and rewritten. Politics is all a bunch of bullshit. Men in suits, trying to out-do one another at sounding like they know what's best for our country while representing the 'wholesome values' of those they wish to appeal to. Throwing around buzz words like "socialist" "liberal" "conservative" "democrat" "republican", not in the ways which the words were intended to be used, but in ways that they NEED them for whatever means they're trying to justify.

If politicians weren't so preoccupied with alienating those who follow their opposition and spent that time trying to unify the people toward a common goal than maybe more people would be inclined to vote. Politics comes off so much like high school drama but instead of the douche bag with too much hair gel and the whore with a short skirt and no panties. You have adult men in fancy suits squabbling over who holds the best interests for the people when anyone knows that once they have power that they will begin to pander to those who threw the largest amount of money at their campaign.

Nobody cares about what's best for the people. Unless you're Stephen Harper in response to the Haiti earthquake. He just sent people to help, when he was asked about them not 'requesting' for the aid. His response was that they did not have telephones to ask for it.

That's the only smart thing I've seen Stephen Harper do in the ENTIRE time he's been at the forefront of the Canadian Political Scene and it wasn't even in the benefit of CANADA! (not to depreciate the tragedy of Haiti, they really need all the help they can get) If Stephen Harper showed that kind of relentless haste, and optimism in some form of quest to make Canada a better, stronger nation instead of doing the exact opposite. The country wouldn't be divided over which flavor of the month they want to elect into office just to get him out.

THIS hit... (It occurs at about 1:05 into the video)

Is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen on a hockey rink. And you know who delivered that cold-hearted elbow? The Captain of Canada's world junior team! Are you fucking shitting me? I've been a hockey fan a long time and I've seen the Marty McSorley head-slash, and the Todd Bertuzzi incident and both pale in comparison to this. This is cheap, dirty, and a player of such esteem shouldn't just know better. It should be in his best interests to preserve the integrity of the game.

I don't care what kind of drama was occurring on the ice of this game. There is absolutely no excuse for coming off of your bench and elbowing an opposing player in the face who is also, not just coming off his own bench but is nowhere near the puck to begin with! Its cowardly, and he should be banned from the game! These kinds of hits not only tarnish the timid reputation of the game of hockey but they reflect an attitude of play that's dirty, violent and abhorrent instead of what hockey should be about. Fun!

What's worse? New Jersey Devils GM Lou Lamoriello doesn't even think a suspension is neccesary for the hit!

"All I know is the incident that transpired. I certainly have spoken to Patrice. Only because of the rhetoric. I asked him how he felt because of the rhetoric. There is no issue from my end of it."

Mikael Tam, the player who received the elbow, went into convulsions after the hit and had to be taken off the ice in a stretcher. It's one thing when you're laying out a player with his head down who's paying more attention to the puck than what's going on in front of him, Scott Stevens style. Elbowing an unsuspecting player in the head who is nowhere near the active play is dirty and it's cowardly.

So Spider-Man has a new director. Mark Webb, the director of 500 days of summer. Fanboys who had huge boners for Sam Raimi and his vision are already crying foul. Listen guys. I hate even bringing this up but there's nothing else I feel like talking about. Creative types aren't restricted to whatever movies they've made in the past. Just because a guy has made a summer romance movie doesn't mean he doesn't have it in him to make a ballsy action flick either. Unless you're, say, Cameron Crowe.

I, for one, am happy that Raimi's gone and I hope it means that we won't see Tobey or Kirsten Dunst either. Spider-Man has needed fresh blood since the second movie. Tobey Maguire is one of the most stoic, boring actors playing one of the most genuinely funny, smart-ass characters in all of comics. The Spectacular Spider-Man Cartoon should be a blue print on how to make Spider-Man awesome. He actually mocks his criminals while he's fighting them. WHILE he's fighting them! That is what spider-man does!

Pardon me while I get fan boy for a second. Mary Jane, she's supposed to be the "Girl Next Door" with insatiable looks and endearing charm that Peter just can't do without. Kirsten Dunst plays Mary Jane just as boring and unwatchably as Tobey does Peter and maybe that's why they're made for each other. It wasn't until I saw How to Lose Friends and Alienate People that I'd seen Kirsten act with a teaspoon of talent and charisma. Where was that in ANY of the spider-man movies?

While I'm on it.. comic book fanboys get so worked up over their precious properties. It's kind of ridiculous. I love Sports Games and I would defend their honor TO THE DEATH, whenever someone defames their quality. Yes, I am a fan boy and I'm able to admit when we're acting like fucking retards but who honestly gives a shit if Ryan Reynolds is going to be playing Deadpool AND The Green Lantern?

Who cares if they re-cast the Spidey films. I will be absolutely baffled if they manage to find actors to portray the leads worse than Tobey and Kirsten did. Throw a couple of rocks, and unless you hit Keanu Reaves and Renee Zellweger you will end up hitting two better actors.

I want to end things on a more positive note. If you're anything like me than you love video games. Few video games have left more of an impression upon me than Mass Effect. The sci-fi epic by BioWare. (who are MASTERS of the RPG format by this point.) Their latest release, Dragon Age: Origins, got a 9.5 on Gamespot just to prove its prowess. They also created the incredibly awesome Neverwinter Nights games. If you're unsure of Mass Effect 2, you should check out this awesome preview.


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