I'm not inside my own mind today... and I'm going to try and write this without using the "C" word (and no, the C word isn't cunt).
My job can be very stressful. I'm dealing with frustrated doctors and hospitals who just want their money. Claims worth tens of thousands of dollars, and usually people want shit taken care of right fucking now.
I work with lots of people from all over the world, I get to deal with Indians, Philippinos and even Texans. The most frustrating thing in the world is when somebody doesn't do something that they are SUPPOSED to...
ONE little thing can set the process back, literally months. Let's take appeals for example. The standard time-frame to process a claim appeal is 45 days. When the appeal isn't addressed, we have to send it down. There is a template we must fill out with the appeal that really isn't that difficult to fill out, it takes at most a couple of minutes. When you send a task down, it takes fifteen business days, reset the 45 day process. You can see where this might get a little frustrating if SOMEBODY DOESN'T DO THE JOB THEY ARE FUCKING PAID TO DO!
It is difficult to tell a provider, who is already pissed off at you because you're not telling them "Oh your claim is paid!", that you must take the time to fill out a template to send their appeal, because the previous representative they spoke with did not do this and that they must allow another 45 days, plus 15 business days, when they submitted their appeal to us back in December... three months ago.
How hard is it to just fucking do what you are TRAINED to do?
It's just bullshit because the call center I work at is under enough fucking pressure as it is. Every TINY aspect of my job is scrutinized. Call handle times are scrutinized, after call is scrutinized (after-call is the button you can hit if you do not want another call to come in RIGHT after you've completed a call), call quality is scrutinized. You can literally fail a call because you document a telephone number wrong. A fucking slip of the finger can cost you. Because my job is outsourced, my standards aren't even dictated by the company that I represent, they are dictated by the company that I work for. It's ridiculous... that's a different rant for a time where I have, perhaps, different employment.
All this added up, and some fucking asshole doesn't take ONE FUCKING MINUTE to do his job properly two months ago when the ball was in his (or her) court to TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS then, and now I've got to talk down someone and do the job RIGHT and then ask them to allow a few more weeks for shit to get taken care of.
One of my favorite phrases at work is "I'm just a middle man" and it's the truth. I just handle claims and benefits. That's it. I don't even deal with the common folk, just health care providers and sometimes it's a blessing, other times not so much. It's tough to tell someone who want's shit dealt with right fucking now that they need to allow another three weeks for their claim to process that's from 2009...
My one wish is that people would just fucking do what they NEED to do. I can't say what's happening. I could blame management because the call center agents are not purely to blame. I could blame ineptitude, I could blame language barriers, I could blame this and that but really it's just so fucking infuriating that I see repetitive issues coming to fruition over and over again and these are things that are ENTIRELY preventable and yet, here I am, cleaning up the fucking mess while I've got managers in my ear about this bullshit and that fucking statistic.
It's like Office Space, without Lumberg... Fuck sakes. I can't continue this, it's lost steam but you get my point. My job is bullshit, blah blah blah, suck it up princess? right?
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