I don't think I'm inside my own mind today... We have seen some fucked up shit in the last decade.
Hurricane Katrina, Haiti, and now this Japan cluster fuck. With these disasters it's only natural that people will make jokes about it because that's what people do. I've done it, I'm guilty of making jokes to natural disasters but not to Japan, nothing like this...
I'm not trying to say 'who's got it worse' or what has been more disgusting or anything like that but what has transpired in Japan is a tragedy. Period. People fleeing to rooftops to avoid the tsunami flooding. A nuclear reactor damaged that will possibly melt down (pardon me being a day or so behind the ball, I just watched what CNN is fucking spamming during my work break) the people who are stranded creating huge "SOS" alerts on land that can be viewed by overhead aircraft (of course, it's news aircraft and not somebody trying to fucking HELP).
I'm trying not to go on two different tangents here but that's what's going to fucking happen. You have the people that don't take this shit seriously. People on Facebook who cast off sympathizing or throw their guilt in the garbage because of PEARL HARBOR. Really? Pearl fucking Harbor? Something that happened over 60 years ago during a GODDAMN WORLD WAR? THAT is your justification for not giving a fuck about the devastated Japanese people? Fuck you you piece of garbage.
How can anyone not feel compelled. This must have been how Kanye West felt after Katrina when he told national TV that George Bush doesn't care about black people. I had the same disgusting pit in my stomach in the aftermath of Katrina too.
Honestly though, I think Japan is on a whole other level. To be hit by a 8.9 Earthquake AND a Tsunami? There's just no comparison to me. Katrina was devastating, and the people suffered greatly and in some respects many are STILL affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Haiti, that was disgusting too, the reason that was so horrifying is because that's a nation that couldn't even really afford to help itself. Does that make Japan a different story? Does that make laughing at Japan okay? Not to say everyone's laughing but I want to punch everyone who is right in the dick.
So you've got tsunami's you've got earthquakes, you've got nuclear reactors possibly melting down, you've got oil refineries exploding. People are stranded, confined, lost, thousands are dead, probably way more than they are estimating.
Fucking Wolf Blitzer called Japan "Haiti" on live news yesterday. Now it's time for the CNN digression. Fuck you Wolf Blitzer.
Fucking CNN gets their huge fucking news boner and pretty much just spams the tragedy with their fucking analysts and 'experts' picking apart every fucking little detail. With all the time and money they are putting into sharing this tragedy and destruction with the world don't you think they could fucking HELP OUT WITH THE SITUATION? Oh there's no money and no ratings in helping the tragedy toward conclusion.
I've made my opinion about CNN pretty fucking clear in the past. Where does the line between informing and exploitation come? Probably when I go for a break, go back to work and have my lunch nearly 3 hours later and they are reporting THE SAME FUCKING THING!
Okay back on topic. Fuck you CNN, Fuck you fucks who think this isn't serious because of Pearl fucking Harbor that Americans shouldn't give a hand to Japan.
This is arguably one of the most disgusting situation's I've ever seen in my whole life time. The fact that people are making light of it, I mean, people do. I understand why, especially on Twitter. Everyone's a comedian on Twitter so it makes sense. But, people who just laugh at the misfortune of Japan and make Godzilla jokes and try to fucking displace any guilt they have by bringing up something that is completely unrelated that happened over half a goddamn century ago.
I just wish some people would use their fucking brains, open their hearts and their eyes and SEE what's fucking happening. If you watch five full minutes of the carnage that's occurred over there. I guarantee you will not be making any fucking jokes about it.
Peace out.