Sam Worthington is the lastest and I'm going to consider him the first actor of a trend we typically see with Actresses. With an 'hot Hollywood actress' she usually makes her mark on a movie, and then is thrust into our face for the next 18-24 months before the world wakes up and realizes she's shittacular! (See: Jessica Alba, Megan Fox) Sam Worthington is the first legitimate attempt to accomplish this with an actor. Usually actors have to showcase a modicum of talent, unless you're Matt Damon, you can basically shit the bed then hit a home run with the Borne trilogy and everyone think's your A-list all of a sudden. Anyway, pretty much any leading man Actor has paved his way there in one way or another. Sam Worthington has not done that. He's just a good looking guy that women can fawn over (see: Matthew McConaughey, Dane Cook)
(This is a typical face Sam Worthington will make for an entire movie)
Now some of you may cry out "Well he was in Avatar!" Well... let me ask you this. Was he GOOD in Avatar? Do you think back to Avatar and go? Man... Sam Worthington really kicked ass in Avatar. No fuck no you don't. Sam Worthington's shitty acting was overshadowed by excellent CGI, and a pretty decent plot (notice how I didn't say good, quote me now, Avatar was overrated) Sam Worthington's fake legs were pretty impressive, the whole movie I found myself wondering how they pulled that off.
Now, he's in Clash of The Titans and no I will not go see it. I've predicted months ago that Clash of The Titans would be the next in a long line of Hollywood special effects masturbation parties. Off the top of my head: I. Robot, 2012, The Mummy 3, The Star Wars Prequil Trilogy, Indiana Jones 4, Ghost Rider or Any Michael Bay movie made in the last decade sans Bad Boys 2 (because he actually blew up a house, instead of CGI-ing an explosion). I'm also willing to predict that he showed the acting range of Keanu Reaves in Constantine and maybe made an angry face once or twice in addition to the more stoic face he typically makes...
Why do I hold such ire toward him? well, I was making the point earlier but most actors have to in a sense 'earn their bumps' they usually do bit roles, stand out and get noticed, and then boom they're a star because they were the lead actor in something GOOD. Sam Worthington has not really done anything to earn any kind of acclaim. If acting really stoic and doing next to nothing to stand out when you're in casts with people like Christian Bale or Susan Sarandon then sign me up, I could be Hollywood's next leading man too.